
ConveTransfer is an desktop application that revolutionizes file transfer between PCs, eliminating the need for physical storage devices like USB pendrives. The app's intuitive design, encapsulated in its name, empowers users to effortlessly send and receive files with anyone who has the software installed, streamlining the file-sharing process without reliance on external media.


Supports the transfer of files from document files to video files, music, images, excutable files, etc.

Cross Platform

Is a cross platform app and therefore it is supported by Windows, Linux and Mac Os.


Lightweight and is fast when transferring files.


Some of the exclusive features of ConveTransfer includes:

Fast Processing

Ability to quickly and efficiently handle the transfer of files between two computers.

Multiple Language Support

Robust support for multiple languages ensures a user-friendly experience for individuals worldwide and it enhances accessibility, allowing users from diverse linguistic backgrounds to use the app.

Phone to PC

A must feature where ConveTransfer support for both phone and PC transfers, enabling users to share files effortlessly between phones and computers.

Regular Updates

Maintained and updated to introduce new features and functionalities and to address any bugs, glitches, or issues identified in the previous versions.

Drag 'n' Drop

Support drag and drop feature designed to simplify the file transfer process, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.


Easy downloads of your favourite youtube videos on a single click.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, just ask us.

Is ConveTransfer able to transfer multiple files at the same time ?

Currently the application supports one file transfer at a time but future updates will support for more.

Do I need internet connection to transfer files ?

The answer is 'NO'. All you need is your phone's hotspot or even your computer hotspot will do. However, internet connection (fast connection) aids the transfer. But if you think your internet connection is slow the suggestion will be to use your phone's hotspot without turning ON the data.

How fast is the transfer speed ?

Transferrring files from one PC to another PC solely depends on the network infrastructure and the PC's resource.

How secured is ConveTransfer application ?

ConveTransfer application works on a close connection as in, file transfer between two PCs only exist on a selected network depending on the user. If the network is password protected, then the file transfer is also protected. But if the network is open then the file transfer is susceptible to danger.

Do I always need to type in the receiver's IP address ?

No. Under the profile tab, in all file transfer under the same network, the IP address of the sender or receiver is saved and loaded the next time. But it must be on the same network and the number of file transfer for that feature to activate is five file transfers whiles the app is still open.

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